School Registration
Online Registration Available Now
What are the most popular Universities in Alberta? uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2020 Alberta University Ranking of 12 recognized Alberta higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria:
Technical institutes (sometimes called polytechnics or polytechnic institutes) offer certificates, diplomas, applied degrees, apprenticeship programs and continuing education programs.
Explore publicly funded post secondary institutions, private career colleges, indigenous learning providers, and other providers.
Drayton Valley/Breton scholarship
The Alberta Government through Alberta Student Aid, and in partnership with post-secondary institutions and other community organizations, offers a suite of scholarships and awards to encourage and reward the excellence of Alberta students.
Online Registration Available Now
Create your PowerSchool account to keep up to date with your student's marks
School Cash Online now allows you to pay your child's school fees in several different ways. Create an account today.
Download the Messenger App to report your student's attendance. Sign up for an account.