Breton High School

Breton High School is a grades 7 to 12 school which caters to students in Wild Rose
School Division. It currently has 141 enrolled students, 9.5 FTE Teaching Staff, 4.0 FTE
Support Staff, 0.5 FTE Family Wellness Worker and 0.4 FTE Student Support
Facilitator. We are situated between two school divisions and the high schools of Buck
Mountain and Warburg.

Our community members are highly engaged within the lives of their children, and
relationships between school and community have enabled the school to run a variety
of extra-curricular (Drama, Students Union) and sporting activities (Cross-Country
Running, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field, Badminton) which cater to the
development of our students.

The socio-economic base of our community is farming and the oil and gas industry.


Principal (on leave until February 2025)

Ms. Shannon Gallant




Creating "RICHER" learning environments.

Hard Work

Mission Statement

To develop responsible students through positive partnerships in RICHER and safe learning environments with empathetic staff enabling all students the opportunity to achieve one's full potential.